Thursday, July 9, 2009

Facebook-With Friends Like These...

More food for thought! You two are "feeding" us great articles/sites... Collectively, they and our class discussions are tempering my skepticism. Certainly, I found myself agreeing with much of what I read in this article. When the author stated that he seemed to be "very much alone in my hostility..." (p. 2) I answered, "No, you're not!" "Doesn't it (Facebook) rather disconnect us?..." (p. 1) Reading about the people behind Fbook, their beliefs-choosing a mentor "who believes that people are essentially sheep-like and will copy one another without much reflection..." (p. 4)- their political leanings, I came away thinking about getting to the heart of things, getting to the "truth" of issues, points of view. Todgkinson makes his opinions known. Think I have some fact checking to do!

Can't close without referencing the Thiel's interest in "exploring life-extension technologies..."
(p. 5). Artificial intelligence/Feed. I wonder if M.T. Anderson has been in contact with any of these guys!

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