Thursday, July 9, 2009


Rob, you said to post this by the end of the week. Here it is. Can you send me a link to The Persuaders? I'm not sure where to find it.

FEED/ Themes & connections
1.The dangers of technology run amuck! The brain implants/feeds (which have shown up in some of the readings this week) which the teens in Feed are wired with point to the dangers of a society buried by technology. The reader my ask, what happens when we loose the ability to think creatively? To care about the world beyond ourselves? What happens when people are constantly plugged in? Considering this post is coming at the end of our week together, you can probably answer for me! I work with far too many youngsters who ARE overly immersed in technology, who struggle with creative thought, who are addicted to being plugged in. The connective is "in my face" on a daily basis.

2. The dangers of self-absorption. Titus and his friends need (& get) immediate fullfillment.
Thanks to the "feed" they are constantly stimulated. Thoughts revolve around themselves, the "me." True, this phenomena is a part of a teen's development, but in Feed it's intensity and effects are taken to the extreme. I do see, though, that more kids are plugged into the "me" notion, the reality TV/Facebook notion that it's all about them.

3. The dangers of consumerism. Not unlike teens today, Titus and the others are constantly bombarded with advertising messages. It's all part of the "feed.' Through Violet, Anderson invites us to question that, to consider what it does to us.

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